“Ultimately, the measure of the success of the school library program is the impact that it makes on the lives of students.”

IFLA School Library Guidelines 2nd revised edition, 2015

My Mission and Vision...

My Teacher Librarian Mission Statement

As a 21st Century Teacher librarian, I prioritize intellectual freedom and the impact that transliteracy has on personal and academic growth. I ensure equitable access to diverse and resources and technology. I achieve school literacy goals through partnerships, empowering educators to become dynamic agents of transformative change. I embrace the journey of lifelong learning with a collaborative spirit.

More about My Mission Statement in 

Get to know your teacher librarian

My Library Learning Commons Vision Statement

"In our Library Learning Commons, we envision a future where vibrant inclusivity ignites exploration, collaboration, and innovation. Through transformative experiences, personalized pathways, and interdisciplinary partnerships, we empower all to pioneer lifelong learning, critical thinking, and boundless creativity, driving perpetual growth and educational excellence."

More about My Vision Statement in

Get to know your teacher librarian